By nokeys - 02/04/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend after driving 200 miles to see him. While arguing, I told him I never wanted to see him again and left after slamming the front door. I left my car keys in his kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 788
You deserved it 59 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fantome_fml 0

just cover your eyes and walk back in, you don't have to see him

marykateex3 0

I'm guessing that wasn't the dramatic exit you were counting on?


troll09 0

After that, you storm in grab them, and give him the finger on the way out.

natergater 0

no u should go in and light back into the argument and grab the keys in the midst of it...then give a good comeback line and run out...haha


finally a woman who tried that guilt bullshit got what she deserved.

sheaaaax33 0

next time, you should make sure you have all your stuff

DisappearingRose 18

Walk straight into the kitchen, find him, and slap him the hardest you can.

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Hopefully he was a good sport and gave them back to you