By nodullmoment - 26/04/2013 03:01 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I got home and noticed people were looking at my next-door neighbor's house that is for rent. Peering closer, I realized my ex-boyfriend and the girl he cheated on me with a few months ago are inside. After they left, the "for rent" sign came down. I've got new neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 144
You deserved it 3 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This should make for a good reality show.

iarefatal 9

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer... But that's too close.


Think of all the ways you can mess with them.

c4rpi0 20

Some jerks they probably did it on purpose

roflstomp716 19

Well I guess you could get some revenge

xrawritsashleyx 11

My question is why is he moving there knowing you live next door? I'm assuming he saw where you live at some point so why would he do that...?

That's what I was thinking.. Ops bf sounds like a prick. **** op's and his girlfriends life

The new girl is the one that should be FML because whether she realize it or not or you want to or not, she has competition. You may not want the cheating bastard but this is a great opportunity to mess with her head. Have fun!

Maybe, maybe not. If the girl KNEW that the guy had a girlfriend, then yeah, that's messed up. But it's also possible that he lied to both of them. In which case, maybe OP should warn the girl...

nodullmoment 2

He knew I lived there. Sabotage ideas for the house before they move in anyone??

Unless you own your house, move. If you're renting, now is the time to buy elsewhere, your mortgage will be less than rent payments.

Sabotage only if you want drama. If you want to live well (which some say is the best revenge), simply ignore them and refuse to be pulled into any drama they may try. Be coolly, distantly polite at unavoidable contact, as if they are odd strangers you'd rather avoid. Don't let them think they can get under your skin.

TiffGreen 11

This only matters if you're still in love with him... if not then it's not a big deal. Don't let it bother you too much.

What is his problem? It sounds like he really wants to make you jealous.. or has a things for you still