By Anonymous - 03/12/2010 14:41 - United States

Today, I got fired from the job I'd had for eleven years for going onto Facebook while on the clock. When I got home, I saw that my boss had updated his status, from work, to "Finally fired that bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 021
You deserved it 10 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, he used that as an excuse, but hated you for other reasons. Way to suck at your job, OP.

And that's why he's the boss and you are not. If you're ever able to find a job again, try NOT wasting your company's time and just do your ******* work that they are paying you to do.


rinzy 3

that's what you get for adding your boss as a friend you tard

now u can say what u like about him in your stat coz he shouldn't care!!!

he is being a total fag.. that's no reason to fire u. well u could do better, a job u would love with the people that won't be a total bitch with other employees. Good luck !!!

Karma's a bitch and apparently so are you. YDI.

Fired for Facebooking? Is she a pilot or something? Geez, bosses are tense in the States.

well, that's what u get for leaving the kitchen.

p33lzhear 6

find a company that doesnt care if your on fb provided all your works get done. like mine! hahaha

KaleJade 0

oh u should take a snap shot of that post then sue the shit out of him for discrimination and unjustly firing you!

Nobody else picked up on the [strong] possibility that the boss generally *doesn't* use fb at work, and did so this time just to spite OP? Obviously OP really pissed him off somewhere along the line. Either that, or it was a warning to other covert fb-ing employees.