By Nekro_Kat - 10/08/2011 03:00 - United States

Today, I got caught trying to steal my own cat back from my neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 792
You deserved it 3 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki_ASW 0

If it's your cat how is it stealing?


Well of it's your cat, then there's no reason to 'get caught', unless there's another side to the story.

jamila123 5

Cats don't have owners. They use people for food.

Either that, or they develop Stockholm Syndrome. No in-betweeners. Evil, cats. Gotta break 'em while they're young.

liy223 6

So technically you weren't stealing, but simply reclaiming what was yours in the first place. Question: of all the things to steal, why take a persons cat??? I mean how bored do you have to be.

bizarre_ftw 21

Hey my cat went to my neighbor a while back, it intentionally ran away and got itself adopted (not my fault the thing had too many babies then decided the house was too crowed)

Inspired22 11

Since you can, sell, adopt, etc. cats and all that good stuff, couldn't you technically prove the cat as yours and report him/her as stolen property?

First it's not stealing if it's yours second maybe you should ask for it back and if tht doesnt work report it

Just put cat food outside the'll be back