By isellorangez - 09/10/2015 18:27 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I got banned from a suicide prevention forum for "attention seeking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 903
You deserved it 3 574

isellorangez tells us more.

Hey, I'm the op and this is my first fml so I hope I'm doing this right. I thought I should say a few things based on some of the comments I read. No, I was not just being an asshat to everyone, I just posted a thread explaining myself and such. Shortly after I posted it I got banned for "attention seeking" and that's all the information I was given. Oh and all the people saying "******* emo" and such, I guess I look like the stereotypical emo, but seriously you could be a bit more mature about things.

Top comments

Go to somewhere else, there are actual people who care for you! I hope you get the help you need!

cooltatgar 31

but... isn't it ... I mean ... never mind seek help somewhere else op, friends and family, counseling hope you get better


Don't ever commit suicide man, you will regret it halfway during so, and remember Naughty dog still makes games, if you haven't played on of their games you have to, get a PS4 and the last of us if you haven't, basically what I'm trying to say is - treat yourself, and appreciate things of true quality and that there are people in this world who can still do amazing things, do you want to do amazing things, if you WANT to and DESIRE to, then YOU CAN.

doesnt that defeat the purpose of a help forum?

Support forums are filled with trolls and people who don't take situations seriously.