By George - 15/01/2013 20:53 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I got a new girlfriend. Unfortunately, the last girl I asked out just responded to my relationship request on Facebook. It's been 4 hours, and my new girlfriend already thinks I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 492
You deserved it 46 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask these girls out over Facebook...

Wait... did you ask her out by a relationship status on FACEBOOK?! What has the world come to...


Why the hell did you ask them out over Facebook? Be a man bro, do it in person. Even my first girlfriend that I got in 6th grade I asked in person

That's why relationships should be "Facebook official" keep the Internet out of it

Maybe this is a sign you should grow a pair and actually ask girls out to their faces. YDI.

I get it. So, his last girlfriend and him were together. He sent her the relationship request on Facebook but she hadn't been on for however long. They broke up and later he got a new girlfriend. He forgot to cancel the request though and she finally answered the request so it looks like he's a player, but really it's bad timing.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

But if they'd broken up, why would she then accept his relationship request?

So wait... was OP still dating the last girl too? It can't have been that long ago if she only just accepted the relationship request.

rupertajm90 15

everyone on this website is shoot first.... what if he never officially cancelled his relationship request and this other girl accepted it as some silly prank.... so op FYL and YDI

randybryant799 20

I'm getting the feeling you're using the word girlfriend quite loosely here. It sounds like you just started dating.

I’m going to not say YDI if you asked this girl out years ago.