By student101 - 26/03/2014 03:37 - United States - Sun Prairie

Today, I got a history project back that I worked very hard on. The teacher didn't bother to write any feedback, besides, "Did you even understand the assignment?" on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 697
You deserved it 6 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it possible that you answered the wrong question or something? I've done that, where I've gone off on such a long tangent it seemed like I was writing a different essay, and the rest was History.

Leave it back on your teacher's desk with a message: "did you even understand my essay?"


Here's a crazy idea. How about you use the "reply" button to actually respond to the first comment instead of using it to put your two cents at the top.

Tell her that you did but you thought it wasn't interesting so you preferred to do something else. Also tell her you're passionate about the stuff you wrote and share a touching anecdote about your childhood. It's called appeal to emotion. (yes. This is what my English class has turned me into).

You most probably did not read the exact question and made a partial assumption on what was being asked, which turned out to not be what they asked. Seen this often in classes where people do not read the question exactly.

One time I worked on journal entries from the point of view of a character in a book. My feedback was "Actually, [the character] was a very sophisticated writer." SLAM

You must have had the same professor I had for my anthropology class.

36-- Because English has no third person, singular pronoun typically used to refer to people, and without knowing the teacher's actual gender, 16 had three options: 1. Make a guess 2. Use the clumsy, yet politically correct, 'him or her' 3. Use the (in this case) ungrammatical third person plural pronoun 'them'. 16 chose wisely.

Wow, what a rotten teacher. I suppose you could always ask him/her just what you did wrong and try to get clarification.

Even if the essay is awesome, if you have diverged from the topic too much, it is still an F

Some people are just not meant to be teachers