By Anonymous - 22/06/2009 18:12 - United States

Today, I got a call from my son's second grade teacher. He happens to write and throw with both hands, and wanted to share this during show and tell. Apparently, he didn't know the word for this is ambidextrous, because his teacher told me, "Your son just told the whole class that he's bisexual!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 990
You deserved it 5 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha, I'm sure they have no idea what that means. But hey, there isn't really anything wrong with being bisexual.

Haha, I am too, but I told everyone I was an air conditioner instead of ambidextrous when I was young


hes just a little kid he doesnt know the friggin difference. the only thing im concerned about is the fact that the kid knew the word in the first place; i really hope you havent been calling him that for the kids sake. and this is not fml worthy at all its just a funny little story that you could tell you're significant other about and have a good laught. if you really think this is a fml then i suggest you seek psychiatric counseling.

this isn't an FML and whats wrong with him knowing that word? Knowing that at a young age just means he'll accept those of different orientation, half of you are going on asif it's akin to him saying "I'm a ************"...chill out besides...i sense stories for his future girlfriends LOL

HunterFalls13 0

I don't get it I get the bi sexual part But not how it relates to throwing a ball with both hands

ehh, I don't see why she would find it neccessary to call you. Well, other than the fact that it was hilarious.

It's a pleasure to read a funny story, even on fmylife, which is supposed to be for misery to have company. Is there more to it? Was the teacher mean? Or were you just embarrassed, OP? Ain't kids grand?

oh that poor kid is gonna be teased for the rest of his school career. I'd really work on his vocabulary. But that must have been a really akward sitituation for his teacher.

I think this is a pointless "FML." Even if the kids in his class remembered that in high school, they would understand the difference between ambidextrous and bisexual. Its a simple misunderstand that isn't that difficult to explain.