By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 08:08 - United States

Today, I got a call from my grandmother. Turns out my father found out about my elopement with my husband through my stepmother, because someone she works with told her. We were planning on it being a surprise, and telling people on Christmas. My father won't even talk to me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 339
You deserved it 29 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why wouldn't expect this sort if thing? Your father either feels disrespected orhe dislikes your husband. YDI for not knowing that would be his reaction. Trying to shove it down people's throats as a Christmas surprise seems a bit thoughtless to me.

stealthkitten 3

Wow, that really sucks but you should've been more open to your family. Think of how your dad feels, this one is your fault.


FyreKrotch 1

Telling everybody on Christmas wouldn't have made it any better, OP. You probably would've ruined the holiday for your dad.

Eloping will never never never make parents happy. What did you expect? Really?

eleniel421 28

Hahaha, my mom has actually advised me many times to elope and avoid all the wedding drama. I'm pretty sure my dad would have a heart attack if I tried to subject him to a huge traditional wedding ;)

You excluded your family from your wedding. And expected them to be happy about it. You suck. At least you couldn't ruin Christmas.

Sounds like she already did. How marvelous.

Just remind your dad that at least he doesn't have to pay for a big wedding.

Well, YDI for not inviting anyone to the wedding. It's a big deal to give a daughter away, and it's an even bigger deal to be at the wedding ceremony. OP, you need to be more mature about these things.

laladalala 0

If it's such a big deal for them, then they should have just had their own wedding instead of expecting -even insisting on it at the OP's wedding. Why is it so important for people to get what THEY want for another person's wedding?

Well, YDI for not inviting your own father to the wedding. It's a big deal to give a daughter away, and it's an even bigger deal to be at the wedding ceremony.

Since women can't take care of themselves, the 'giving away' to another man who can provide for them is a big deal. /sarcasm

dubstep87 0

u ****** up by getting married. it's all downhill from here now

bostonimann 0

So here's the lesson: learn to keep your mouth shut! the end.

if you were trying to keep it a secret you shouldn't have told ANYBODY until Christmas, which obviously you didn't do since your stepmom's coworker somehow knew. YDI it anyway for planning an ambush on Xmas that might hurt your family's feelings

Perhaps the stepmother's coworker who has a friend or family member who works where the OP and her guy got Eloped. Did you think of that? I agree with the YDI for the Christmas surprise bit, that would have gone over just as badly.