By angelsaredicks - 11/09/2015 13:55 - United States - Morgantown

Today, I gave blood for the first time, since I'm a universal donor. After it was done, I passed out, woke up, puked, and passed out again. The kind nurses told me I was the worst case they had seen all week. So much for doing something to help others. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 999
You deserved it 2 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AirBusDriver 23

While your experience was unpleasant your gift of life is admirable. Thank you OP

Unfortunately it happens, OP. I passed out the first time I have blood. Next time, try sipping some juice or water while you're donating. That normally helps me!


Well shit, I'm giving blood tomorrow for the first time and now it have made me incredibly nervous!!!!

Don't be! Make sure you're very well hydrated, And don't eat within two hours. Eat very well before that, though!

ChadHelton 8

you'll be fine. No matter how it comes out, be proud of yourself. I ******* HATE needles and I go every two weeks and donate platelets. I'm scared as hell, the kid with cancer on the other end of that needle is more scared. you can do it!

Update: it went well! I almost fainted afterwards and got quite disoriented, but after a few minutes, and a few brownies ;), I was feeling much better! Thanks for the encouraging words!

Denise1988 13

This is precisely why I don't donate. I used to faint at every blood draw, 12 vials is my limit before puking and/or fainting.

But they only said all week. That means they see worse every other week so don't feel bad.

Fainting or not, you still have blood, therefore you still helped. Medical-related fears and anxieties are not uncommon, so don't let what other people might say get to you. It's perfectly normal to not enjoy getting stabbed with sharp, pointy things.

The first time is a little funny...but gets better over time...unless with that you might be done I would be

I black out while I was on the chair donating but I think it's worth it if we can help someone who needs it badly. Pops to you, OP.

skyttlz 32

Last I heard the weight limit is about 117 pounds. And I don't know if this is true everywhere but in my town there are blood drives every few months at the medical facilities and schools (high school and community college)

I know your experience sucked this time, but please don't stop giving. If you're Type O- your blood is more precious than gold to anyone who ever needs an immediate blood transfusion without knowing their blood type. You are a literal lifesaver; please don't let this discourage you. You've actually inspired me to give again. :) Next time, avoid caffeine for 24hrs before donating and be sure to drink plenty of water. It helps a ton! :)

ChadHelton 8

try again if you can. first time is ALWAYS the worst. if you can't, don't feel bad. you wanted to, you tried, that's what counts.

When I gave blood for the first time i passed out too, and the person whom I gave blood to died. Nows thats a FML