By kasai_x0x - 19/06/2010 16:27 - Canada

Today, I found out what cat food tastes like mixed with mayo, hot sauce, and between two perfectly toasted pieces of rye bread. My cat found out what tuna tastes like instead of her normal food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 480
You deserved it 36 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cutie718 0

how te hell did you manage to do that?!?! I have a cat and he eats canned food but it looks NoTHING like Tunafish!

Kiill3rQu33n16 0

ydi for wanting to eat a tuna sandwich with hot sauce. :P


stickypoopy 0

in soviet Russia tuna tastes you!

WingsFan80 4

um soviet Russia jokes are old

samanthadude 0

Aha! My mom once fed my dad cat food because he was being greedy. She put lettuce, tomato, mayo . . it looked really appetizing, he ate it all and thought it was delicious until he looked in the garbage and found the empty cat food cans. :]

I think OP is a gigantic idiot, to be perfectly honest. :D

ohamsie 0

every fml I read stickypoopy has some lame ass soviet Russia joke. anyway back to op, I'd say fyl haha

ah I've always wondered what canned cat food taste like...

nastenka_fml 0

Would you like your country to be laughed at, ******* bastard?

hahaha tuna is crack for kitties. FYL, even though cat food does taste almost like tuna

enternamehere77 3

it's te old cat gets tuna while owner gets cat food gag! (garfield for those who don't know)

104- are you slightly stupid? yes. I'm a chick. I dress like a chick. i was born a chick.

stewpididiot 11

Methinks OP be smokin the Good Shit !!!

Matty1188 6

So you have tasted it as well?

ydi for trying to feed that to your cat

jakeidk 0

ydi for cooking for your cat. freak

sactownsfinest 0

lmoa!!!!! that's some funny shyt

LeoFML 1

I'm gonna try that!!!... save the cat food.

jokerman7734 0

How did (s)he deserve this? Odds are they're a teenager and a parent made it for them. if they did it themselves, though, then I would agree they deserved it

jes23 0


Raleigh_bruh 7

Indeed, you are :] Congrats.

WingsFan80 4

it's a Raleigh appearance lol

stickypoopy 0

Alex why is kesha ur photo? she sucks

not trying to be mean, but ke$ha looks like she'd smell like pee. and be sticky. js.

pingpongpickle 8

k seriosly if you don't like her I couldn't care less. it's my pic not urss

51- if you look at her, she's really shiny. and that makes me think she's sticky. and smelly. like urine. 54- I said not trying to be mean. I was just stating about ke$ha, not you.

tokio I know u were I'm just talkin about the other ppl

stickypoopy 0

she thinks she's cool and she's not.

tsc32 2

ke$ha's a *****!!!.....jk haha..

pingpongpickle 8

60- okay. :) I don't like being mean to people who aren't mean to me first Dx Thats why I wanted to clear that up. :) 68- eh, idk. her hair is kinda gross too. she just gives off the same vibe Lindsey Lohan does.

I like Ke$ha, I like Fml's Tokio. Ohhh the dilemma! ps, welcome back Tokio

I coulda sworn alex's pic was lady gaga, not ke$ha..

No, lady gaga looks a lot more f'ed up. If Kesha would smell like piss, Lady Gaga probably has been drinking it.

holy shit. if u don't like them that's ur prefrence ok? I can have them as my pic

95- I'm sorry. that's funny. you're hot by the way. ;D

it was lady gaga from poker face, at least before she changed it

linhdaninja 0

57, you should be able to put a celeb pic if u like home girl lol people are such turds on here! ;D and Kesha is cool I like her music

That's creepy how you know her profile pics in order

cutie718 0

how te hell did you manage to do that?!?! I have a cat and he eats canned food but it looks NoTHING like Tunafish!

Raleigh_bruh 7

Lol, thanks Lexa? I think that's you, haha :P If it isn't I'm sorry, you look a lot like her :o

oh..uh..again..lexa? idk who lexa is, so sorrry

Raleigh_bruh 7

Sorry haha, I said the same thing on the other FML :P Thank you for your compliment though (:

pingpongpickle 8
pingpongpickle 8
LexaDear 0

Higher quality, higher contrast, rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise? It's the real Lexa! Shame I don't know you :P

Rawwrness 3

it's ok. now ur coat is shiny!! :D haha I love George Lopez

Well, too much tuna gives you mercury poisoning, right? So, you'll be better off in the long run. :)