By branded - 14/05/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, I found out the tattoo symbolising my marriage turned out to be more permanent than the marriage itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 484
You deserved it 60 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panicked 0

just get the words 'sucks balls' under it.

SlappyDog 0

As someone with their ex husbands name tattooed on their butt..I feel your pain. Laser removal time!!!


#18 - If this person had this tattoo for 65 years, then they probably don't have to worry about the tattoo's significance anymore. It's most likely a wrinkled, faded wreck by now. -----YDI-----

FYL YDI. Dead people and children only. Never anyone else, even other living relatives.

i used to have an ex's name on my neck, my first thought was to tattoo "I'm Not" above it, but a cover up worked out even better

terrorrrr 0

im glad youre all arguing over a tattoo that's on someone youre never going to meet.

OUch. But then again, it's almost a rule that once you get a tattoo of someone you're in a relationship with, the relationship is going to end. :(

I dunno, it definitely does seem dumb to tattoo the name of a girlfriend or boyfriend on you because that isn't as permanent of a commitment, but when you marry someone I'd hope you are confident and positive about your relationship enough to expect it to last, in which case a tattoo doesn't sound like a dumb idea at all. If you're too afraid to get a tattoo because you don't think the marriage is going to last then you shouldn't be marrying the person anyway. *shrugs*

idontgiveone 0

Great. Another failed marriage.

Number twelve is a hoot! I love it! Also, when I get married, I'll get a tattoo, because I expect it to LAST.

Phoenix_GAD 0

1337fmlguy: you need to give it up. no more fmls... Today, I was on fml and this guy kept making up fmls in the comment section. he annoyed me. FML and to the OP: im sorry about ur marriage. i know divorces are painful.

aw, sorry to hear that.. there seems to be a life rule that getting a tattoo of another person is a surefire way for that relationship to end badly =/