Plumbed out

By MariosNightmare - 18/12/2020 07:57 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, what should've been a five-minute job replacing a drain turned into a 2 hour ordeal just to remove the old one. The original part was put in incorrectly, so whoever did it used a full tube of silicone to make it watertight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 933
You deserved it 59

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jfigley 5

Finally, a legit and clean fml! That sucks dude, sorry to hear. I assume now it has been correctly done and functional. Cheers!


jfigley 5

Finally, a legit and clean fml! That sucks dude, sorry to hear. I assume now it has been correctly done and functional. Cheers!