By Anonymous - 10/07/2014 05:24 - United States - Stockton

Today, I found out the record label I was talking to was actually just my friends who have way too much time on their hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 114
You deserved it 5 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So did you tell them about your hit new single, all my friends are dicks?

91hayek 31

There is another FML where a guy's father pretended to be a publisher that had accepted his manuscript. Sorry OP, insecure people like to pull down those that are making an effort with their lives. Keep your head up.


Off the record, consider it a rehearsal!

wildsweetchild 19

Cruel of friends to do that, but great advise to see the positive in everything. :)

91hayek 31

There is another FML where a guy's father pretended to be a publisher that had accepted his manuscript. Sorry OP, insecure people like to pull down those that are making an effort with their lives. Keep your head up.

right because playing a joke on your friend = insecurity

So did you tell them about your hit new single, all my friends are dicks?

"All my friends are dicks I said all my friends are dicks All they ever do is make me sick They pull a prank just to get a kick Because all my friends are *inhale deeply* ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicks!"

Lil_Red777 21

Not very good ones apparently.

Well, time to start plotting your revenge

The fact that the label name was "Gullible Records" should have tipped you off.

I'm gunna go ahead and say terrible friends, and who has the time to do that anyways?

REVENGEEEEE so what are u gonna do to them

But sometimes Karma takes years and you're not even around them to see it by then.

#27 Sometimes Karma means you have to take it into your own hands. Karma won't get those friends unless OP has a hand in it.