By Dfacta - 13/05/2010 17:51 - United States

Today, I found out the reason I've been itchy for the last two weeks is because I'm now allergic to chlorine. I'm also a swimming instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 290
You deserved it 3 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

orangesodaftw 0

That completely sucks. Time for a career change.

Tikwichka 5

Allergies are not always present from birth or childhood. They can develop from the environment in adulthood.


If you're a swimming instructor that hasn't been in the water enough to find that out before hand, I totally wouldn't want u teaching my kids anyway!

I'm very confused as to why you JUST figured this out. Still FYL, I guess.

time to renew your resume n apply at a salt water pool.

LOL OMG I thought i was the only lifeguard/instructor that was allergic to chlorine, my doctor recommended a special body wash + lots of scrubbing helps

aqua10 0

this fml sounds fake, apart from the fact that it's not that exciting. it's just stupid.

quanguan 3

She could have relasied it like me. When you are getting training you are not in the pool that often. Once you start a job you can end up being in the water from Mon - Fri and hours like 4pm - 9pm and then getting a reaction. Happened to me

youthink_fml 0

How can you be a swimming instructor and just find out you're allergic to chlorine? You would have had to spend quite some time in that chlorine before now. Just doesn't make sense.

You guys know you can become allergic to something, right? Especially if you're exposed to it constantly.

Angel114 0

dude, my dad has the same problem. try taking a shower immediately after getting out of the water. it helps him.

One would think you already knew about this alergy. If it's really because of chlorine it would happen every time you shower or bathe.