By smh - 03/11/2015 20:04 - United States - Beulah

Today, I found out the only reason my boyfriend of two years asked me out on a date was because I accidentally flashed him when we met. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 429
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not exactly ideal... But if you have been going strong for the past 2 years then it's not something to worry about. Many relationships don't start perfectly.

lexiieeex3 32

And you've been flashing him ever since... Although now it's probably more socially acceptable and a private activity.


So, you're complaining about him, yet you're the one who flashed a stranger. Genius.

lexiieeex3 32

It was a freudian flash. She secretly wanted him to ask her our that badly XD

Oh sure, accidents like that happen all the time.

They can..? I'm guessing she might've pulled off a sweater and her shirt came up as well or she leaned down and accidentally have a view into her shirt.

It has happened to me accidentally. When I was younger, my parents were sick and under a lot of financial strain so I would just get hand-me-down clothes from my sister, and that included bras. Problem is they were too big for me. And even after things were ok, I was just so used to those bras I didn't know that that wasn't how they were supposed to fit. So combine a badly fitting bra, bending down to pick something up in front of someone, and a slightly loose shirt (wasn't showing any cleavage while upright, nor was it super low was just loose enough that when you bend down the top "opens" up) and you wind up in my situation. So embarrassing...I'd never even noticed that would happen until a dude quietly took me aside and let me know. In any case, I'm sure accidents like that don't happen often to many girls, but combine the right situations (bad bra, pulling up a sweater, bending over and not realizing how others are positioned, etc...) and I'm sure it does in fact happen now and then.

#40 No offense but all of your comments are essays

seriously, it's two paragraphs. If it's too long for you to comprehend then don't read long comments.

#51 thanks so much for your defense, it means a lot to me (especially since my long-winded opinions are something I am self-conscious about) :D Don't worry though, helptheorphans actually messaged me later to apologize and let me know he regretted writing that. He seems very chill, and I understand that we sometimes treat people differently online than irl. But seriously though, thanks, you seem sweet ^^

Not exactly ideal... But if you have been going strong for the past 2 years then it's not something to worry about. Many relationships don't start perfectly.

AnOriginalName 19

Yup. After two years together it seems that it should make a funny story of how they met, nothing more.

I met my girlfriend of 3 years playing bloody knuckles. We recently had a mutual break up but we are still able to maintain a friendship. Relationships start in the weirdest ways sometimes

addioty 19

Very true. I meant some exes through mistakes of my own (on an unrelated note-I keep moderating FMLS that get accepted but can't get mine accepted)

Mathalamus 24

Well... There are worse reasons to ask someone out.

lexiieeex3 32

And you've been flashing him ever since... Although now it's probably more socially acceptable and a private activity.

There was this flash, I mumbled something, next thing I know was in a relationship and it was two years later.

singlwforlife 22

That may be the original reason he asked you out... But clearly you guys have enough in common for a relationship to last two years. Sometimes the best relationships have quirky beginnings.

Well they certainly have a flashy relationship, at the very least.

Showed him the goods early and hooked him. Clever marketing indeed.

My now husband asked me out because I gave him an extra apple juice cup one morning in the drive thru, we've been together 14 years now. It's a silly reason, but if it's meant to be, the silly reason becomes the best reason I'm the world. Maybe he thought your flash, even accidental, meant you were spontaneous, and a free spirit. Maybe he was drawn to you because of this, and the flash was a bonus. If the relationship works, don't question it. That can cause problems where there aren't any.