By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 857
You deserved it 53 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


CIngus 0

That little shit needs some discipline, take the ipod and sell it to make back some of the money and to punish him at the same time. Still you kinda deserve it for linking the card on his ipod and not noticing the transactions over time

seriously? take some ******* responsibilty. that's pathetic. do you let your cat or dog shit on your chest? seriously.

smump 0

Why would you even tell him the password?

Why are you paying for his apps? Buckle up! Start being a parent!

ArielTheMermaid 17

threaten to take it out of his allowance. it wont be so funny then

Khybershell 5

Why does he have access to your money? It's as simple as not giving him your iTunes password. He should have to pay for them.

That's your own fault. He shouldn't have access to your money.

make him buy his own stuff then, ****

JoshpointO 0

you should have only gotten prepaid cards for iTunes, and you should have taken his iPod away anyway.