By KatiRozz1 - 17/04/2013 17:40 - United Kingdom - Middlesbrough

Today, I found out that the catchy Japanese song I've been obsessed with for the past week is actually about a dildo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 695
You deserved it 18 361

RoseTheOdd tells us more.

I'm the op :) The song is called "Choudo ii ino" which means, "It's just right" if you look up the lyrics for it (with the english translation) it becomes pretty obvious what it's about. my friend is Japanese, she told me what it meant.

Top comments

If I found out a song I loved turned out to be about ******, I would laugh about it. honestly, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. if it's catchy, it's catchy.


kra1985 8

How did you find that out?? Lol

There are people out in cyberspace who like to translate song lyrics as a hobby. It's mostly fans who have learned the language and are wanting to test out their knowledge.

So you didn't decide to look into the meaning of the song, but more than likely you looked into the lyrics? Makes no sense. :O Although I have to say the meaning is pretty funny. Laugh don't be embarrassed it's an honest mistake you got excited about a catchy song. It's like seeing the bat mobile you wouldn't look to see if it was rigged with a bomb you'd just hop in and take a look inside. Have fun OP:P

****** are cool though, so... What's the issue?

MrThumbsItUpMan 8

Did you by any chance watch a Raywilliamjohnson video??? He reviewed a double ended ***** video

33- If you did that, every woman would swallow!

I remember a really catchy J-Rock song I used to listen to all the time ended up being about a guy drinking his girlfriend's breast milk. Sometimes it's better not knowing.

purepaige007 10

What was the name of the song?(:

Was the song named double-ended ***** so FML too :(