By KatiRozz1 - 17/04/2013 17:40 - United Kingdom - Middlesbrough

Today, I found out that the catchy Japanese song I've been obsessed with for the past week is actually about a dildo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 695
You deserved it 18 361

RoseTheOdd tells us more.

I'm the op :) The song is called "Choudo ii ino" which means, "It's just right" if you look up the lyrics for it (with the english translation) it becomes pretty obvious what it's about. my friend is Japanese, she told me what it meant.

Top comments

If I found out a song I loved turned out to be about ******, I would laugh about it. honestly, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. if it's catchy, it's catchy.


Awesome!! Go out and buy one.... But make sure to lock door if you live with others. If you don't, we'll see another FML.

homiwan 13

I'm wondering if OP is just embarrassed because of the lyrics, or if they were singing it in public?

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Just curious, how did you find out it was about this, OP?

onorexveritas 23

did it happen to be a double ended *****?

I don't even know what most of the english songs are about, to me the singer is just another instrument in the band. I focus on how (s)he is using her/his voice, not on what is being said. Probably why I've never gotten into rap.

dixiefoxx 22

I love Japanese music :) its not the end of the world, a lot of songs are about sex and that crap, but people don't notice until they're older.