By Anonymous - 03/09/2010 00:52 - Australia

Today, I found out that one of my best mates had his backpack, clothes, and everything else in it stolen at an airport overseas. I was feeling sorry for him all day. It took me 9 hours to remember that I actually loaned him my backpack for his trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 904
You deserved it 7 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

but it was only backpack unless u lent him ur clothes as well :L

TashaLenaKitty 0

It's only a backpack,is it that big of a deal? Your best friend lost all his stuff.....


krysilis 0

soo your friend lost all his belongings and you're only worried about your backpack? what. a. douche.

hanniegirl 0

This must be a joke. He lost everything in it, possibly including money, his passport, plane tickets, etc, and you're upset because he lost your backpack?

Beachbuddha1987 0

its just a backpack though. all his stuff was in it, what's harder to replace?

You lost a backpack?! NOOOOOOOOOOO! There goes $20. I'm sure your friend's loss is much less than that...not!

this isn't your FML. it's your friends FML. HE/SHE'S the one that lost all of their stuff, while you only lost a backpack. Quit your bitching.

Permit me to rephrase. 'Today, I was feeling sorry for my friend who is stranded in another country without all his stuff because it was stolen. Then I remembered that he had my backback, which I need so little right now that I loaned it to him, and I stopped feeling sorry for him and started bitching and whining about it. FML, not because I lost the backback, but because I'm such a godd*mn selfish bastard.'

YDI!! FY friends life not yours. major fail!