By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 14:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that my homophobic boyfriend, who I was giving a chance to grow the fuck up and get over his obsession with bashing gays, has been cheating on me with another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 644
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, you thought he was straight? Well so is spaghetti until it get hot and wet. Haha, I'm an unoriginal twat waffle, but eh.


"another" man...? So either you're a man or he's cheated on you with a man before...?

*sigh* Well, basic reading comprehension skills aren't for everyone, I guess.

Is he, by chance, a politician too?

I think he was trying to say bashing genitals.

I heard it said that homophobia isn't really a fear of gays. It's a fear that you might actually be gay yourself. Which generally only happens if you actually are gay, but in denial about it.

That sucks . I'm sorry. I hope you find someone who treats you well!

well, I would say his homophobia is cured.

ChloeMeyers_Xo 16

believe i angry and confuse... like running mad around the hood with a banana on my hand

AtherSheep 15

Well.. On the bright side, you know why he was bashing gays and that he'll now stop bashing because people know he swings both ways or is gay.