By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 14:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that my homophobic boyfriend, who I was giving a chance to grow the fuck up and get over his obsession with bashing gays, has been cheating on me with another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 644
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, you thought he was straight? Well so is spaghetti until it get hot and wet. Haha, I'm an unoriginal twat waffle, but eh.


MrZsDad 19

While this truly is an FML, OP. This probably isn't how he wanted to come out to the world, and can be devastating to him. It isn't your place to help him, please let someone that cares about him know to keep an eye on him.

crackajak 15

The first step to overcoming addiction is denial.

Yep. Pretending to hate gays so others wouldn't think he is.

FallenMetalAngel 17

It seems like the most blatantly homophobic people are the ones most deeply in the closet.

homophobia is actually the fear of coming out the closet... unless they were tortured and abused by several homosexual individuals, what they are afraid of is being associated with homosexual and others figuring it out...

I've discovered those that are insecure about something and are hell bent on talking about it are usually the offenders/par takers of whatever the subject may be.

Gay bashers are always gay themselves

Well u told him to get over it it seems like he did. YDI

orsombre_fml 11

Gay or straight, you don't cheat. Sorry OP, you don't deserve it.