By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 14:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that my homophobic boyfriend, who I was giving a chance to grow the fuck up and get over his obsession with bashing gays, has been cheating on me with another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 644
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, you thought he was straight? Well so is spaghetti until it get hot and wet. Haha, I'm an unoriginal twat waffle, but eh.


Usually the homophobic ones are secretly gay.

Hahahahahaha that's how it is the many super homophobes!

KatPlaysMC 14

Well this is in California...crap...that's where I live...

And there are no gay people in California or no prejudice people or all of the above?

Yeah **** the fags lol that's basically what I took from reading this

The most homophobic people are usually gay themselves because they can't accept themselves.

drayloon 50

Is your boyfriend Mr. Garrison?

DA3Z 16

Sorry to hear that, and it is messed up. Stay positive and move forward.

aukaylaheath 16

omg I didn't see this coming at all. WOW this is just too much. I'm beyond speechless but I'm so sorry.

ptellini 7

And for a second there I thought this was another stupid ass case of I simply just don't agree with homosexuality.