By Anonymous - 11/05/2016 15:53 - United States - Franklin

Today, I found out I owe the IRS over $2,000 because of a mistake they made. Their "apology" basically amounted to "Oops, our bad. Now pay up or you're gonna be Bubba's new bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 581
You deserved it 1 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'Murica. Land of the free and home of the oversized ***** we call the IRS.

The IRS is the single greatest thing to ever oppress a human population so completely without the humans being aware it is happening


What's the difference between YLS and Glad it wasn't Me

Yup, I've been there. Only more so. Had to hire a lawyer. It's been 2 years and we're finally close to settling things. Ugh. Good luck!

Give them a condom before they **** you

This is either a scam, or BS. The IRS only puts high profile people in jail. All others are simply made to pay via refund deductions or garnishments.

I'm pretty sure that you can sue them for that.

Just make sure this isn't the irs scam that's been happening to people. If they called you by phone its NOT the irs. The irs does not threaten jail time the first time they talk to you.