By young grandpa - 17/06/2013 22:49 - United States - Statham

Today, I found out I'm going to be a grandfather. I'm 29, my son is 13 and the girl in question is 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 110
You deserved it 40 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jackasss_fml 14

Now if your grandson gets a child, you'll have done what takes most a century to do, in less than half. Congrats, future great grandpa!


roryriddle 5

Just because op was 16 when he had is son doesn't mean he can't say something about it. His son is 13 and still has 5 years of school left where the op only had 2. 13 is too young to even be thinking about sex. It doesn't mean he was a bad father and didnt raise him right or talk to him about sex, kids are going to do what kids want to do. All of you are just being judgmental assholes who probably don't even have kids of your own.

Chill OP, in 11 or so years you get to be a great-granddad!

claira555 5

His son is 13 not 16 guys so its not like father like son. Get it straight. And it's not going to screw up the baby's life. You are all just hateful. Things happen, get over it.

betterdaysahead 14

why is every one thinking he did not have the talk with his son op well could have and the boy did what he wanted as a father myself i await the day to tell my son that and my daughter dose not mean they will listen all the way we all where teens once did we listen to everything our parents told us not to do. so sorry OP it will be hard just be there for him.

I guess it was all in the genes... Nope, it wasn't just presently! :D I really would have hoped (since you were a young dad yourself), that you would've taught your kid what happens when you play an extreme version of the "Doctor" game. Haha. In the end of it all, I supppose a 'Congrats' is in order.

Hopefully the grandchild grows up to be the one who breaks the cycle of teen pregnancy and can fulfill their potential.

Give up, embrace it, and look forward to meeting your great-great grandchildren before you go senile.