By Swaby - 01/03/2009 08:14 - Hong Kong

Today, I found out I could not go to the Philippines because I have never had Chicken Pox. The school took the radical decision to prohibit students who have never had Chicken Pox to leave the college. I am condemned to stay in Hong Kong in some shitty project because I am a healthy young man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 093
You deserved it 4 472

Same thing different taste

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Blind_Ninja 0

I've never had chicken pox and I'm 23. I'm afraid one day I'm going to have a kid, he's going to get it, and he's going to live the rest of his life knowing it was his fault he killed me.


oh my god, that's bullshit, i feel for you man

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rawrkira 3

You're an idiot #71. Not everyone gets them, I didn't and neither did a lot of people I know. So be educated before you make a stupid statement, then say "you got told by a 13 year old". Don't try to act so smart.

#72, you can still get them when you're an adult, and they're a lot worse then.

Shadow1368 17

71- That makes 2 13 year olds lol :P (for those idiots who totally don't understand what I just said: I'm also 13 and I agree with 71)

Shadow1368 17

Edit: Not EVERYONE gets them, but you are more healthy if u do get chicken pox because it is less of a risk for children because when you are an adult it is more dangerous. But chicken pox are totally normal to get.

decidedlyvague 11

The immediate solution is to go get chicken pox.

76 I think you are talking about shingles

#7: LOL HAHAHAHA!!! FHL for sure. But yeah...go buy some chicken pox or something from a convenience store. ;)

quazimozart 19

Should I tell him? Or should someone else?

Getting chicken pox as an adult is not the same as getting it as a kid. It hurts like hell, and it can be lethal. Its called shingles.

Hong Kong is ******* amazing, better than the Philippines, so be happy you're in Hong Kong instead of the Philippines.

Epikouros 31

Hong Kong may be an amazing city, but Southern China is the world's major breeding ground for infectious diseases, so it seems a bit silly to be all paranoid about chicken pox in the Philippines.

He lives in a project, that's far from amazing.

Hong Kong is amazing!! Don't complain! Also, yes, get Chicken Pox now.

What a tragedy! You should have said, "But I have genital warts. That should count for something?" It might still work! Go try it! Do it NOW.

Blind_Ninja 0

I've never had chicken pox and I'm 23. I'm afraid one day I'm going to have a kid, he's going to get it, and he's going to live the rest of his life knowing it was his fault he killed me.

lollipop217 0

you can get a vaccination...

Start drawing spots on your skin and show your school board that you have chicken box.