By Jorgina226 - 11/08/2010 16:33 - United States

Today, I found my old sewing machine I got when I was a kid. I never used it before, because when I was younger, I was afraid I might sew my fingers. Laughing at myself, I decided to sew up an old bag. I sewed my thumb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 937
You deserved it 27 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having had extensive sewing experience, I know that it takes a lot of recklessness to achieve the task of sewing your fingers. I'm sorry, but you were most likely being pretty careless...Hopefully you've learned to be a bit more careful!

I agree with 3. I have done a lot of sewing in my life and have never managed to do anything so stupid. YDI for being retarded. And to think, you were the fastest sperm!


Never laugh while sewing. It's a serious matter.

it's not that hard though. i remember sewing in tech when i was in year 8. i guess you were just unlucky.

nice dude, now sew your fingers together.

Klink_fml 3

if I'm correct you just had the milgrim effect get to you. you told yourself not to sewed your thumb, which made you think about it and going aganist yourself you did. by telling yourself not to do it, made you do it. happens a lot and for the few going "your stupid! that's not real!" did someone of something tell you not to do something and you still did it?

Hwikek 2

I'm a guy, even I can use a sewing machine better than that!