By Anonymous - 11/07/2015 00:52 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I finally finished downloading a 60GB TV series after two weeks of waiting. Every single "episode" turned out to be Rick Astley singing Never Gonna Give You Up, on constant repeat. I almost respect the prankster's effort enough to not want to gut him like a fish. Almost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 778
You deserved it 8 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shit man, you just got rickrolled by one massive ******* troll. YLS man, I feel for you.


As someone who's trying to get into the entertainment industry and make a living... I say you totally deserve this if it's been torrented. Also... Kudos to whoever took the time to make 60gb worth of Rick rolling!

That's what you get for trying to pirate copyrighted material

You don't know how to prioritize files in a torrent? Prioritize the eps in order, so you can watch them as they download. Torrent 101, here.

Meanwhile, there's me downloading GTA V (69GB) overnight.

I've seen some good Rick rolls, but never someone wait 2 weeks to dl 60 gigs of Rick roll. Best troll ever.

sasskat96 4

someone rickrolled you harrrrddddd.