By elfevsnain - 29/04/2013 07:09 - Tunisia

Today, I was out horse riding. Some say that riding isn’t a sport, but I can swear that chasing after a horse that has just thrown you off is really tiring! FML
I agree, your life sucks 584
You deserved it 76

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In light of this FML, here's a short list of things that are tiring and therefore sports: • Extreme working • Professional staying up late • Radical sexing (see also: ****) • National Lyme disease having (To comment on World FMLs, use the site instead of the app.)

I suppose you didn't break anything from the fall or that would have been the fml about. I'd say lucky you!


I suppose you didn't break anything from the fall or that would have been the fml about. I'd say lucky you!

In light of this FML, here's a short list of things that are tiring and therefore sports: • Extreme working • Professional staying up late • Radical sexing (see also: ****) • National Lyme disease having (To comment on World FMLs, use the site instead of the app.)

(thanks for the tip, but I think it's been fixed now)

People who have never gone on more than a tourist trail ride. I think there are many ways to ride that would not qualify as a sport in my personal opinion, but many are. Even just riding around in an arena (actually working toward proper form for both horse and rider, not just bumping around as a passenger) WILL work up a good sweat for both of you. I grew up 3 day eventing and will be getting back into it with my Fjord gelding (who is a Thoroughbred in an adorable, yet athletic Fjord body) and that is most definitely a sport. It takes so much more than people think it does. Even just riding an eventer on the flat takes more work than people think because a lot of eventing horses are just a little bit crazy. They're generally not the plugs you can put anyone on. It's kind of heartbreaking, actually, to tell the little kids at the barn that they can't ride my "Frozen pony" because he's too high energy.

Horses: both more intelligent ad more evil than you think.

Be careful, you don't want to catch a hoof to the jaw.

Dealing with idiots is also tiring. If that was the only requirement for an action being deemed a sport, I'd have an Olympic gold metal.

Yikes ! that's definitely sounds like a workout to me, hope your not bruised up

Whoever said horse back riding isn't a sport has probably never rode before or just went on one of those trail rides with a leader. Tell them to spend one day riding and taking care of it and they'll change their mind real fast weren't riding, you were running.