By lsta - 04/05/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I donated blood for the first time, and all the nurses kept complimenting on how good my veins were. That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in the past 2 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 027
You deserved it 4 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sure you have pleanty of great qualites, but FYL for people not recognizing them

Yes but to many compliments make one vein


It's okay, I get told I have nice veins too. By my mom. Forget any of the other qualities we possess, you and I both have nice veins. What else matters?

Maybe you should compliment other people. Tell them you like their shirt or something, they will return the favor.

SuicideSaint_fml 0

At least you got complimented on something.

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

My mom's a nurse, so believe me when I say nice veins make a huge difference to them. Instead of having to dig around they can just slip the needle in. It's a bigger compliment than it sounds :)

PieGuy 0

ive got sexy veins too. they were probably complimenting u so much so u'd want to go back so they can leech some more of your blood :-O hahah

yinhuawen 0
deeprest47 0

It's ok... I passed out after they pricked my finger the first time I donated blood

Hey, the first time I tried to donate blood, I failed because my veins are stubborn and the blood would not flow quickly enough. It was really disappointing, actually. So be proud of your good veins!