By hikari_chan_xo - 28/03/2012 12:00 - United States - Auburn Hills

Today, I dislocated my elbow chasing my cat around the hardwood floors of my house in knee-high socks and wiping out going around a corner. The doctors suggested that I not tell people how it happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 522
You deserved it 21 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BunBunBabe 8

Hahaha! Oh well, almost everyone wipes out from running in socks on a wood floor at one point in their life, it's so fun it's worth the risk


So instead of not telling people, you posted it here... Erm you might as well go the whole hog and upload the video, pics of the injury and your name and phone number lol

It's ok. My friend broke her ankle while skipping!

froggeh 4

so naturally you write an FML about it...

superbubbles 4

Hey! You can't dislocate your elbow. It's not a ball and socket joint! Lies!!!

subversivefreak 2

My sneaky suspicion is that the cat outsmarted you. Maybe it knew you would chase it and did a crafty pee waiting for you to slip into.

A girl in knee high socks crawling on the floor.....*fapfapfap*

The doc tells you not to talk about how it happened, so you post it on the Internet in detail.... Good job

Nice_Dude 0

Hahaha I agree with stolencookie it's ok man

KM96 24

I wonder why you were chasing your cat ... ?