By Anonymous - 20/01/2010 18:21 - United States

Today, I decided to treat my yeast infection over the counter to avoid going to the doctor. Too bad I didn't read the directions. Now I have to go to the doctor to get the tip of the applicator removed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 754
You deserved it 38 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it for arbitrarily cramming things in there. You're fortunate it's just an applicator.

Your ****** must be huge if you've been given directions. Most people just get instructions.


dropxdeadxgeneva 0

YDI for not going to the doctor you nasty.

Rule of thumb: if it's going in your ******, read the instructions first. Carefully. Twice.

What the hell is wrong with you? And people in general??? You are a ******* *****...

sangernicole 0

You are SO ******* STUPID. Have you ever even taken a Sex-Ed class? World class idiot.

DiDi123_fml 0

@ #59..You're ******* ignorant if you think that only skanks get yeast infections. You can get a yeast infection from taking too many bubble baths. If she was treating her genital warts, then you could possibly call her a *****. But a yeast infection? It's my turn to ask you what the hell is wrong with you. And more than that, stop being an arrogant ass when you don't know what the **** you're talking about. You're either a man or a 13 year old girl.

first that's nasty and second u deserve it ik u was embaress but that crap is serious

xlostwithoutu 0

Wow you're quite a dumbass, now aren't you?

i dont know how youd even do that. ive used one of those things before - yeah theres a tip, but its attached to the long plastic part. that chick would have to try pretty hard to break it off in there, especially far enough in that she couldnt pull it out.... fake?