By julian1 - 19/08/2015 11:34 - United States - Orlando

Today, I decided to sunbathe in my backyard in an attempt to be healthy. The result? Insect bites over my body. Somehow, despite being fully clothed the entire time, my scrotum also received several bites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 058
You deserved it 10 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunbathing isn't really healthy. If you need vitamin D, you might as well just go on a walk, walk to the store, go biking or whatever. Sunbathing while laying still is actually quite 'dangerous' (sunburns etc).

lat187 18

Sunbathing to be healthy? That is like riding a segway instead of taking a car "to be healthy"


Fully clothed sunbathing? You're doing it wrong. :-)

Someone help me out. What does laying around in the sun have to do with "health" anything?

Could have been worse...could have been chigger bites...

TheDevilsDevices 15

This whole post has me scratching my

caspergirl17 13

I completely agree... Sunbathing may be considered "healthier" than using a tanning bed, but neither are healthy in the first place.

YDI for thinking sunbathing is healthy. but also FYL.

trust me on this. use BOUNCE dryer sheets. not sure why, but it only works with bounce. take one and rub it over every inch of exposed skin, and stick a couple in your pockets/waistband. the combination of oils will deter insects. also if you are just sitting there, i would stick one in your pants. right next to your junk

quarterbird 18

Like most forms of insect repellent, it basically masks your scent... Making you virtually invisible to insects.

This is the stupidest FML I've ever read... None of it makes any sense.