By Anonymous - 27/10/2010 18:57 - United States

Today, I decided to put on my Halloween make-up to be sure that I could and that it would look nice. I was satisfied with my results, and went to wash it off. Everything came off fine, except for the eye liner and eye shadow. It's bright purple. I'm a man. Halloween isn't until Sunday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 943
You deserved it 31 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stealthkitten 3

haha, that's funny. you better rock that purple eyeliner now ;)

Make an excuse.. Say someone hit you and your eye is bleeding purple pus and you will die from a horrible disease if you suffer from bullying


@ 144: Thanks for sticking up for me but just to let you know, I have a ****** not a penis, therefore I am a she, not a he. :)

shishi96 0

i wonder what he was for halloween now...(:

birds_fml 7

Just go to Walgreen's and buy some makeup remover. Sure, the clerk is gonna look at you funny, and maybe even assume you're gay, but it's just a stranger you'll never see again so who cares? Better than going to work/school looking like that. I think baby oil (or any kind of oil) will take off a lot of that waterproof makeup. Not all of it, but you can try.

when people ask why you're wearing eyeliner exclaim that you felt like it and proceed to ask them why they're wearing the shirt that they are; that usually shuts them up.

hey bright side is most girls will think it'll be sexy and the guys.. oh well **** 'em

the_flirtt 0

180 thats what the mod put not me