Fundies say the darndest things

By dazzla08 - 21/10/2019 02:00 - United States

Today, my husband told me doesn't really love me. He only married me because we had a daughter, and his grandmother told him he had to so she wouldn't be "an abomination to God." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 797
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure God is really impressed with the guy who married someone he pretended to love.

It seem like he was pressured into it.( that’s no excuse though). Sometimes grandmas can be scary. But he should have communicated what his grandma said and they could have gone forward in a different way. It is ok to no longer love someone, just be upfront about it. They might be upset/hurt about it but at least they know the truth.


I'm sure God is really impressed with the guy who married someone he pretended to love.

It seem like he was pressured into it.( that’s no excuse though). Sometimes grandmas can be scary. But he should have communicated what his grandma said and they could have gone forward in a different way. It is ok to no longer love someone, just be upfront about it. They might be upset/hurt about it but at least they know the truth.