By DumbDinosaur - 09/03/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, I decided to do a load of laundry. Two minutes into the cycle, I realized that I left my iPod in my sweatpants pocket. The washing machine door locks automatically and cannot be opened until the 40-minute cycle is up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 358
You deserved it 52 314

DumbDinosaur tells us more.

DumbDinosaur 0

The machine was in my dorm building and was your generic industrial washer - no OFF switch, no fancy doors, etc. Once the cycle's on, it's on for the duration. Since it was linked up to 9 other machines, had I pulled the plug, I would've not only flooded out the laundry room but would have had 9 very unhappy residents on my back..heh. Oh, and never mind the happy ending - the iPod never bounced back to life. Serves me right, I guess.

Top comments

if you turn the cycle or machine off the door unlocks. You can then turn it back on and keep washing your clothes.

That's why you always check your pants pockets to make sure they're empty before you throw them in the wash.


The_Man_fml 0

That sucks but one time I forgot my bag of weed and washed it. Needless to say that was some nasty tasteing stuff after.

dam did u stare through the glass watching your ipod get destroyed or did u turn away???

holynemesis1208 3

did you use downy? becase then you would have a broken, clean, and wonderful smelling ipod.

jwagslu 0

I've done this before... put it in a bag of rice for a about a week... it will draw all the moisture out and then plug it in to charge it. It worked for mine....

I'd cancel the cycle and just pay again to wash them..hoping the ipod would be okay

checkitoutt 0

if you put it in a ziploc bag of rice and leave it there for like 3 days,it could be okay since rice absorbs moisture (it worked when my friend dropped hers in the toilet). But then again, she didnt leave it there for 40 minutes....

sit it right side up (with the part that you plug it into a computer with on the bottom) and leave it under a lamp. i did the same thing and this is what they told me when i called tech support and it worked great C: