Thirst trap

By Anonymous - 19/05/2019 06:11

Today, I woke up late for work. I rushed everything, ate a quick meal and was thirsty as hell. I saw a 2-liter Coca Cola bottle, so I poured a huge glass filled with ice and ran out the door. While driving, I took a huge gulp of nice, cold thick cooking oil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 990
You deserved it 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't notice something wrong when there wasn't the sound of carbonation when you opened it? Or the way it poured into the glass? Or the distinct odor of previously used cooking oil? Or the weird reaction the ice had with it? If the cooking oil was so dark that it looked like coke, it should have been thrown out. It's gross that someone would think about reusing oil that looked like that. 🤢

Jeremy Strang 7

This is the most weirdly fake FML I've ever seen. I'm just imagining your thoughts while pouring. "Huh. Pepsi's running a little slow today. Not sure when they added bacon bits to the formula".


You didn't notice something wrong when there wasn't the sound of carbonation when you opened it? Or the way it poured into the glass? Or the distinct odor of previously used cooking oil? Or the weird reaction the ice had with it? If the cooking oil was so dark that it looked like coke, it should have been thrown out. It's gross that someone would think about reusing oil that looked like that. 🤢

Jeremy Strang 7

This is the most weirdly fake FML I've ever seen. I'm just imagining your thoughts while pouring. "Huh. Pepsi's running a little slow today. Not sure when they added bacon bits to the formula".

Cooking oils are about 50 times as viscous as soda, so how drunk or high were you that you didn't notice how incredibly slowly your "Coca-Cola" poured?

tounces7 27

Right because it wouldn't be obvious right away that the "Coke" was pouring extremely slow and with a rather odd color.

it's called being oblivious to your surroundings you need to teach yourself to be more observational otherwise eventually this will cause you to get yourself killed, because what if that had been used motor oil or tar& turpentine blend you would have poisoned yourself just from it going in your mouth😵🤢☠️🙄

EricW 4

how could you even consider Coca-Cola for breakfast? you definitely deserved it