By ohai95 - 08/08/2012 00:11 - United Kingdom - Worthing

Today, I came out to my parents. I don't really fit any stereotype, I'm just an average guy who happens to be into guys. Ten minutes later, I overheard my mother say to my step-dad, "Should we redecorate his room pink?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 968
You deserved it 6 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I hate it when people give in to stereotypes. Good for you for coming out though.


_NeoQueen_ 7

well at least they didn't take it badly. Some parents really don't know what to do and obviously they don't really know what you want. They didn't know you were gay after all. So don't take it personally, if anything that's kind of cute. They are trying to change your room to make you happy thinking maybe that's probably what you want anyways- even though it might not be. They seem to be TRYING to understand....even though they are also failing at it. Parents aren't always the smartest people haha.

It's because they care about you. That paint isn't cheap.