By ByronJess - 21/08/2012 08:21 - United States

Today, I came home to find that the entire ceiling in the kitchen of my apartment had caved in due to an extremely leaky water pipe. The same water pipe maintenance said they had fixed three days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 904
You deserved it 1 511

ByronJess tells us more.

ByronJess 17

Thank you, DocBastard. Also, I'm not one of those crazy Americans portrayed on television who feels the need to sue for everything. First off, maintenance is admitting the fixed something wrong. Second, I've made some pretty big mistakes in my life too. Third, I'd rather not put the apartment complex whet I live in any financial turmoil, I like it here and I need a place to live.

Top comments

Maintenance man: I'm here to fix your leaky pipe, ma'am. Woman: Oh, it's so leaky. Maintenance man: And it's getting you so wet. Woman: Yes, so wet! Maintenance man: Let me get out my tool...

Rei_Ayanami 18

Not trying to be mean... But from what I've experienced in my life most maintenance teams half ass everything and are lazy. I hope you have renter's insurance if so anything damaged or destroyed won't const too much.


Rei_Ayanami 18

Not trying to be mean... But from what I've experienced in my life most maintenance teams half ass everything and are lazy. I hope you have renter's insurance if so anything damaged or destroyed won't const too much.

Although Its a really crappy situation, OP should be happy they came home to it rather than have been in the house when it happened.

ByronJess 17

17 - I never said anything about not being happy to have a home to come back to. Unless I missed that part of my own FML, in which case, I sincerely apologize for not knowing my own thoughts and Internet postings.

Rei_Ayanami 18

25 - Although nobody knows what happened better than you, I do believe #17 is saying it was better to come home and find the pipes busted as compared to being home at the time.

ByronJess 17

17 - I apologize, I misread your comment and realized after it was too late to edit. However, I would have rather I had been home. Then I could have taken care of it before I had significant water damage throughout the floors in my apartment.

Sorry birdie, looks like you'll be searching for a new nest soon.

Why don't you just drink up the excess water?

Maby they didn't half ass it, many they fixed the pipe, but there was already enough water damage that over the 3 days the weight of the ceiling folded in on itself.

That is so gross, but that literally made me laugh in real life.

kathii01 20

I really hope you have renter's insurance. Otherwise you are screwed. The company sent out maintenance, they claimed to fix it, and I'm sure that's the story they will stick to. FYL OP!

ByronJess 17

They're actually admitting to fixing it wrong. And my boyfriend and I got a month and half rent free out of it. Luckily, we have renters insurance as well.

kathii01 20

That is super kick ass!!! I'm glad for you guys :) Crappy situation turned out happy in the end.

Be careful. We had something like this happen, and similarly the apartment folks bent over backwards to fix it. However, the dampness in the ceiling caused mold to grow, and my wife ended up getting pretty sick because of it.

ByronJess 17

The one good thing here is the my boyfriends uncle is a mold specialist, so if we have any concerns we can call him. I'll make sure to be in the lookout though, thanks.

ByronJess 17

...I'm not sure why this was thumbed down...?

They may have to change sears tower in chicago to ron white's big ol' ******' building.

You evidently didn't make them enough tea/coffee. Everybody knows maintenance workers in particular love complimentary drinks for jobs you pay them to do.

Maintenance man: I'm here to fix your leaky pipe, ma'am. Woman: Oh, it's so leaky. Maintenance man: And it's getting you so wet. Woman: Yes, so wet! Maintenance man: Let me get out my tool...

Rei_Ayanami 18

Have you ever considered writing scripts for... Filmography for the more mature audience?

I think he's already watched a movie with that exact story line.

Ma'am I'm going to have to snake your pipe

Who didn't see that coming. Someone who likes to post and fix everyones mistakes so they look so smart.

Or...someone who is trying to help you learn something so you don't make the same mistake and look foolish in the future. Ever consider that?

ByronJess 17

Thank you, DocBastard. Also, I'm not one of those crazy Americans portrayed on television who feels the need to sue for everything. First off, maintenance is admitting the fixed something wrong. Second, I've made some pretty big mistakes in my life too. Third, I'd rather not put the apartment complex whet I live in any financial turmoil, I like it here and I need a place to live.

lovepandorasaver 11

Sorry to hear that happened OP, but on a good note you will get a new kitchen ceiling and they will be willing to help you out promptly in the future.

16- Doc's right. If we didn't have grammar nazi's patrolling the FML community streets, then we would have a loooot more people tawking liek dis becuyz well it luuks kewl. Grammar Nazi's not only correct mistakes, but prevent them from happening in the future.

I started my new job today. I feel like correcting people, whilst getting down votes! How fun?

36- DocBastard already covered that.

If typing in correct English makes me smart then so be it.

Im only saying that you don't need to correct every mistake. I know it was their instead of there. But auto correct changes things weirdly. If I write something similar it changes it completely. This should be a fun app, not am app that requires people fixing ever mistake.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Well thanks for not being a greedy bastard and suing like most people would; hopefully your maturity and kindness toward the situation will put you in good light and get you a new ceiling fast and cheap.

Rooney- your profile pic is more ironic than Tony Stark's basement.

hellachillin 8

I had a leaky water pipe once, then I went to the smoke shop & bought a new one... I think we're talking about different pipes here though

Sicilysstallion 2

What you should do is break their pipes and screw their ceilings so they would understand the pain

How would having sex with a ceiling help? Wait, is THAT what Lionel Ritchie meant by "Dancin' on the Ceiling"? It all makes sense now!

missababgaga 19

I'm thinking perhaps possibly definitely maybe... they didn't exactly fix your pipes