By chocolateisyum - 09/10/2011 11:13 - Australia

Today, I came home from work to find the front door wide open, the stove on, my 5 year old cutting up the curtain, and my 2 year old smearing chocolate sauce on the floor. My fiancé was nowhere to be found. Later on, I got a text from him saying that he'd gone to watch the footy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 152
You deserved it 4 738

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Top comments

Sounds like a Mr. Bean movie. Also what on earth is the footy? O.O


What a complete ASS!!! Don't know where you live, but I've arrested people for such behavior. Endangering the life of a child! If you don't get rid of him you need help. Children first... ALWAYS!!!

missbadluk 0

Wtf is a "footy??" And I'm assuming you dumped the POS right? Dear lord I hope so. And I would have turned him in for child endangerment.

So he abandoned your children to go watch football. What a catch

Omg! I woulda been pissed! Wtf was ur fiancé thinking leaving the babies unattended like that?! He's lucky they didn't get kidnapped with the door wide open or worse the house burning down with them inside!!!! I hope ur leaving him after that shit!

BlackSnowyOwl 2

Since when did Austrailia get cell phones...

We've never had cell phones in Oz - we have, and have always had, mobile phones. :-) (Australia has always been ahead... :-)

Wow, I bet you're one of those ignorant noobs who thinks that all Australians live in the bush and ride kangaroos to school. We have all forms of modern technology, including 'cell phones' which we call mobiles. Stupid people, I swear..

Your next FML will say that you came home to find that DCF has taken your kids. Don't marry him.

hateevryone 14

he could go to jail for leaving those kids. he's a dumb idiot. don't marry him.

FMLs are generally meant to be funny, but I think we can all agree that this is not funny at all, that the children could easily have been killed (the stove was on??) or kidnapped (the door was open??). I think we can also agree that this sort of mind-blowingly stupid behavior doesn't just pop up, and the OP KNEW this guy was a dumbass, and is intent on marrying him anyway. And yet, people like this are breeding. Oy vey.

Thanks a lot, of course I ******* dumped him. Just because he is like that, doesn't mean I'm an irresponsible parent.

iBiteRoses 22

I agree, you're not to blame for this at all, purely the douchebag's fault. Anyone telling you that you should somehow have been able to prevent that can just shove it.