By chocolateisyum - 09/10/2011 11:13 - Australia

Today, I came home from work to find the front door wide open, the stove on, my 5 year old cutting up the curtain, and my 2 year old smearing chocolate sauce on the floor. My fiancé was nowhere to be found. Later on, I got a text from him saying that he'd gone to watch the footy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 152
You deserved it 4 738

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Top comments

Sounds like a Mr. Bean movie. Also what on earth is the footy? O.O


And I live in an igloo and drive a dogsled to school

gorjusthine 0

Oh god.. How come youz people doesnt know what footy is.... Its football/rugby men!

I don't blame them for not knowing what "footy" is. When you take Football/soccer and rugby (which is quite possibly the most manly sport there is) and give it a completely pussified nickname like footy anyone would have a hard time understanding what it is.

it's a doghouse and no wedding for him.

taylor27000 0

I would kick that guys ass for leaving my kids

ACandelaria_209 1

You're not still planning on marrying this guy, are u?? If so, don't expect him to watch your kids responsibly! What a jerk!

diidiimi 10

Clearly an extremely responsible male. You should totally marry him. Seriously though, do you want to be tied down to someone like that??