By Lemonhead - 21/07/2009 15:19 - United States

Today, I came home from living in Spain for 2 years. My mom made dinner for me, and she had forgotten about my allergy to citrus, because she made lemon chicken. After using my EpiPen, and calling 911 for myself, I heard my mom say to my dad, "She always did have to be the center of attention." FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 009
You deserved it 3 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Haha i think it's funny how people ask questions to the OP as if they'd answer

Maybe he was just trying to lighten the mood.

you're an idiot, as soon as its in your mouth its in your system. poor OP though, I always ask before I eat about tomato, even if it IS my parents cooking.

sparxva 12

You didn't ask what it was before eating it? Seriously? and you couldn't smell the lemon? Still, your mom is an idiot. Just tell her she's a terrible parent and move on with your life.

declensions 0

For everyone claiming the OP should know enough to MAKE DAMN SURE everything put on a plate in front of her doesn't contain any citrus before she puts it in her mouth, she probably thought (and rightly so, I might add) that -her own mother- would remember any life threatening food allergies she might have and think to keep the offending ingredients out of her child's meals. FYL for having a mom who doesn't care.

ihatestupidppl 0

So the OP has to use an Epi-pen (which, according to my friends who have allergies, is NOT fun) and call 911 *for herself*, and the mom is making jokes? Wow, give that woman a mother-of-the-year award -_-

ihatestupidppl 0

It's been said before but seriously...HOW does a mother forget her child's severe allergy?! If you've been living in Spain for 2 years I'm gonna assume you're an adult, which means your mother would have known about this allergy for a long time. I got a hairline fracture in my ankle when I was like, 12 (8 years ago). It was really nothing serious IMO, but my mom still asks me every once in a while if my ankle is feeling ok (which admittedly can sometimes feel a little obsessive on her part lol).

It's okay. I grew up with severe asthma and my mom told me to shut up and be quiet when I had attacks. I understand. It's hard for people who don't have asthma to understand what it's like. They either freak out and over react, or they completely don't care. I never missed a day of school due to asthma and learned to sleep standing up right so I can breath. It kind of builds character and determination.