Say hello to my plastic friend!

By Pandathepilot - 10/11/2017 15:00

Today, my principal made me visit "anti-violence" classes because I had a picture of me threatening a man with a gun on my Facebook page. It was taken during the school play, where I was acting as a gangster and the gun was just a toy. The principal saw the play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 634
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure this isn’t just a humblebrag about your incredibly convincing skills as an actor?

exileonmainst 16

Yes, the problem here is that the play was about Peter Pan..


Zachary8261 28

Don’t stay too close to the principal. You might catch the stupid.

exileonmainst 16

Yes, the problem here is that the play was about Peter Pan..

You said "Peter".... huh-huh.... huh-huh-huh....

Are you sure this isn’t just a humblebrag about your incredibly convincing skills as an actor?

Lobby_Bee 17

I can see Broadway in your future, very convincing act!

You’re the one who chose the photo depicting violence as the one you posted for all to see. Hopefully, the classes teach you something!

It may be plastic, but you didn't say it couldn't fire live rounds...

chessu 21

I refuse to believe such stupidity exists.

kids have gotten in trouble for making a "gun" shape with their fingers.....

I would say "only in America", but the UK is also prone to this sort of schmuckery

No real surprise, everyone is too politically correct these days.

Why was your principal on your Facebook page to begin with?

onceuponatime456 16

Other because OP mentioned the name of the school in the post, or because he is creepy. Or maybe both. Are you in Lower Merion by any chance, OP?

Either, that should be. Remember kids, always poofread _before_ hitting post.