By Voice29 - 26/03/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, I bought my girlfriend two tickets to a Broadway show that was coming through town she really wanted to see. I couldn't attend with her due to work so she said she would take her mom. I found out later she took her ex. Now they're back together, and I paid for the date that made it happen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 180 005
You deserved it 24 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

What a bitch move on her part. If she's willing to do that to you, she's not worth it



Faced159 0

Why are we always attracted to the ******? It's always the ones that will **** us over that we love the most. Also, you should probably beat the shit out of the other guy. It will make you feel better.

evilteriyaki301 0

she sounds easy, so maybe you can win her back.

Step 1) Seduce her. Step 2) Put Icy Hot on a condom. Step 3) Screw her with said condom. Step 4) Smile.

mehwhateverr 0
Insertmynamehere 0

Holy Crap! Dang. Beat the **** out of the ************ who stole your girlfriend!

Omg that so messed up....f her .....move on....he was her x be4 he will be again....she'll try and come bk....but u gotta be strong and say f her ...cause if she did it once she will do it strong

nastynate 0
liveitlearnit 0

28, I giggled at your post.

jassyonyae 0

You can do better, she is NOT worth it.