By "ztodaro" - 18/08/2017 20:00

Today, I bought a new bike from a sporting goods store. I secured the bike in the back seat and slammed the door shut, but I didn't pay close enough attention to the placement of the handlebars. I had to return the bike to pay for the shattered window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 695
You deserved it 3 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gobiteme2 34

Probably better off for you, if you ride in traffic inches matter between life and death. Having poor judgment while standing still doesn't bode well for you.

Measure twice, cut once. Or slam door once, in your case. Which I can't see slamming your car door being good for it, so maybe "measure twice, close door gently once" should be your mantra.


Measure twice, cut once. Or slam door once, in your case. Which I can't see slamming your car door being good for it, so maybe "measure twice, close door gently once" should be your mantra.

Ah that sucks! I always shoved my bike in the trunk!

gobiteme2 34

Probably better off for you, if you ride in traffic inches matter between life and death. Having poor judgment while standing still doesn't bode well for you.

this crap happens, it sucks but it does. be thankful that it was just the window, and that you'll have enough to replace it when you return the bike. you'll get a new bike sooner or later

Where in the world do you have your bikes IN your car?