By very very lonely - 24/09/2016 04:18

Today, I bought a friendship bracelet. I'm not sure what's sadder, the fact that I don't actually have a friend to give the other half to, or that I'm actually wearing one of them so it looks like I have friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 491
You deserved it 1 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Think of your bracelet as like a hope chest. You're saving the other half for the right friend!

When I was a kid, I won a "best friends" watch set at the arcade. As I was there with family (and didn't really have any friends), I couldn't decide which one I preferred, so I wore one on each arm. One watch said "Best" and the other said "Friends". My sister was incredibly mean about it, but I felt super cool having two watches. After that my mum bought me a nice watch which I still have. Now I don't like having things on my wrist so I haven't worn a watch in at least 10 years. Leave them on the side and pretend they are from two different people. ;)


Think of your bracelet as like a hope chest. You're saving the other half for the right friend!

wear them both so you can become your own friend.

When I was a kid, I won a "best friends" watch set at the arcade. As I was there with family (and didn't really have any friends), I couldn't decide which one I preferred, so I wore one on each arm. One watch said "Best" and the other said "Friends". My sister was incredibly mean about it, but I felt super cool having two watches. After that my mum bought me a nice watch which I still have. Now I don't like having things on my wrist so I haven't worn a watch in at least 10 years. Leave them on the side and pretend they are from two different people. ;)

Don't give up hope, for some people making friends takes a lot of effort and hard work, but it's worth it because it means the friendships you form with the people who are patient enough with your slow friendmaking skills will be extra valuable to you! And those people generally tend to be super lovely.

Why would you buy a friendship bracelet if you don't have any friends?

My best advice for making friends is just joining a club or a group like scouting, dancing, drama, dungeon and dragons - anything. You will meet people, you will make friends just by being there. Seriously I cannot advise this enough, join a club or society - just give it a go. If it doesn't work out, try a different one maybe.

It'll be okay! Join some clubs. Find people. There's other lonely people out there too! Believe me!

You can always give the other half to a family member. Once I got older I realized my mom is the best friend I ever had, and many others feel the same. There is no shame in that!

It's sadder that you wasted money on a trinket when you could have used it to rent a friend.

TAntobella 14

It's even sadder when one tries to be humorous and fails miserably, #12.