By GiWi - 18/11/2009 16:45 - Ireland

Today, I asked my boss a simple question about a problem I was having with a project I am currently doing. He replied: ''You don't worry your sweet little ass about it babe". My boss is my girlfriend's father. Nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 732
You deserved it 3 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha that's funny! Maybe it's something he overheard you telling your girlfriend and thought he'd say it to you to see how you react.


at least you don't have to worry bout the project :)

baby_gurl2405 0

haha u sure he wasn't on a blue tooth or somethin at the same time?

I'm on my iPhone so I can't see.. but is the OP a female or male? if male he was probably joking? if female... call HR lol

perdix 29

The OP is MALE. That makes it hilarious, instead of just creepy.

Call HR anyway. Or joke about calling HR next time the boss-man does something like that.

lftfldr08 0

double standard! lol but its your girlfriends father you dont call hr on him..bad call

Erindub 0

Now thats just funny! He was tryibg to be cute. The real FML is that you work at your girlfriends dads.

RAMBabyyy 0

On the plus side, if you and your girlfriend ever break up, you won't have to worry about losing your job. :]

I think he heard you say that to your gf, that's why he said it to you.

avfcfan89 0