By ProudMama - 08/01/2012 00:50 - United States

Today, I arrived home. I'd left for a business trip 5 days earlier, and trusted my husband with our young boys. As soon as I stepped in the door, I noticed my son had thinner hair than when I'd left. He then showed me an empty container of Nair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 276
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Child : what's this daddy? (holding nair) What child heard daddy say *'that's what daddy uses on his head'* What daddy actually said "that's what daddy uses, so he gets head"

dva976 7

Maybe you shouldn't leave the nair within the child's reach. Just sayin'...


KiddNYC1O 20

Tell your son to get his FML published.

fergiecrys 0

Kids are kids they would've done it even if you were home!!

The things boys won't do! Honestly! My son 8 years old was just using the bathroom and he decided to shave his eyebrows. He had to go to school with 1/2 inch brows. I was worried he would get teased instead All the boys thought he was cool! Charlie Chaplin!

Why on earth would you leave your husband and sons alone with a container of nair?

therainbow 0

What exactly is nair dumbass learn to spell

lol fail. Nair is a hair product. Get your facts right before you insult people

Seriously but he dad shouldnt have the child unsupervised nair is not for heads and you never know when he was washing it out it could have gotten into his mouth. Pure chemicals!!!!!!!!