By ProudMama - 08/01/2012 00:50 - United States

Today, I arrived home. I'd left for a business trip 5 days earlier, and trusted my husband with our young boys. As soon as I stepped in the door, I noticed my son had thinner hair than when I'd left. He then showed me an empty container of Nair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 276
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Child : what's this daddy? (holding nair) What child heard daddy say *'that's what daddy uses on his head'* What daddy actually said "that's what daddy uses, so he gets head"

dva976 7

Maybe you shouldn't leave the nair within the child's reach. Just sayin'...


MeMareeh 0

If you have not raised boys try to refrain from blaming OP or her husband. Young boys can make perfect parents look negligent and unfit... Believe It! This is the voice of experience. I'm still amazed that I'm not in jail and that my boys survived chilhood. LOL

It doesn't matter even if she had it hidden in a drawer out of reach - kids are nosy and dig through everything.

ames37 0

Eh you live you learn, at least there wasn't a trip to the hospital while you were gone.

hateevryone 14

maybe you need to leave your kids with someone else next time.

Surrrreee it's always the husbands fault. YDI. Stupid bitch.

No one seems to get the point. He's just a child, he'll use whatever he can get his hands on. The father should of been watching his child in the first place, then none of this would of happened. I'm sure he didn't tell his wife everything that went on while she was gone.. this was just probably the only thing he couldn't hide. Men can be sneaky, men are good liars, but it's obviously he wasn't watching the kids.

Because women aren't good liars? It seems like you don't understand. Nobody can monitor their children's activity 24/7. The boy could've been in the bathroom while he did this, and as I recall, I was using the bathroom by myself at a rather young age. It could've been their bedtime and they got up an snuck around... Any number of things could've happened. Don't be a tool.

I never said women aren't good liars ;) Ive used nair before. This kid was obviously left alone long enough to have some damage done to his hair. Everyone knows you have to keep a close eye on children. You know somethings wrong when they're too quiet, or crying. You can't leave children alone for long.. He obviously did.

Ok, how is it the mother's fault? While yes, toddlers are very nosy and curious, the dad could have been more attentive. My aunt has a door that leads to her living room, and keeps the doors closed and has a baby gate at the other entrance, for her son. She doesn't keep anything that the baby could mess up, or anything that could hurt the baby in there. She has him in there with a tv on cartoons and maybe a snack while she's cleaning or cooking. I suggest maybe op should have something like that in her house

SwtCherryPie 26

Ok so unless your husband did this as a joke i dont see how this is possible. Ive left nair on too long and have seen the after effects of other people doing so as well. It burns your skin if you dont follow the directions and a child isnt going to to follow those directions on their own. So unless there are burn marks all over his head your husband is ******* with you.

well I read this and think of three words... key Locked cabinets- for caustic, irritant and dangerous chemicals, items or pharmaceuticals of any sort, around young kids. Both you and your husband need to think ahead about safety and Maybe things like this won't happen. It states it's dangerous and or irritant on the back if you read it.. Just be thankful that your kid didn't get it in his eyes and just looks like he attacked his hair. You sorta deserve it OP =)