By badbride - 26/07/2011 17:11 - United States

Today, I accidentally slept in two hours later than I was supposed to. Today is my wedding day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 223
You deserved it 34 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its okay, the bride is the only one allowed to be late to her wedding:)

Did you make it to your wedding on time at least?


I hope that it was an afternoon or evening wedding. If not, then I hope that your spouse has a sense of humor.

Promise him some hardcore anal and he will forgive you.

Inspired22 11

Well, sleeping in two hours late doesn't mean she slept through the wedding. Usually you get up for a wedding more than two hours before. However, she probably had severely limited time to get ready, do hair, makeup, etc....which is sad! People generally prefer to look their best on their wedding day! And this is exactly why I will have a no alcohol rule for my rehearsal dinner when I get married...

sexxme 9

well hopefully you managed to still enjoy your wedding day, if not there's always the honeymoon!(; 

FYL, everyone at one point in their lives sleep in... but being on FML doesn't exactly help does it?

Just getting your beauty sleep, right?

cimh 9

Well the bride is allowed to be late. But how were you able to sleep that night in the first place? I'd be so excited that I couldn't sleep in. :)))